About Us
MINDSHAPERS CO., INC. is a duly registered Filipino Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission organized and established in September 21, 2005.
We are a publishing company whose main line of business is the publishing and distribution of LOCAL COLLEGE, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, AND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS in various subject areas catering to the needs of various colleges and universities nationwide.
Our Perks
Competent & Highly Qualified Authors
We maintain a pool of competent and highly qualified authors, who see to it they comply with the curriculum standards imposed by the Commission on Higher Education for College Textbooks.
Skilled, Experienced & Devoted Staff
Behind the growth of our company are it’s skilled, well experienced and devoted staff who continuously work hard in marketing and promoting their publications.
Attractive Incentives for Authors
We offer attractive incentives for authors and flexibility in their policies, one reason why more and more writers and even seasoned authors are enticed to join and have their works published by our fast growing company.
Our Goal
With our early success in the publishing business, MINDSHAPERS CO., INC. aims to meet both present and future challenges and is looking forward to a more fruitful years as we plan to extend our operations to consider distributing imported textbooks for colleges and universities.
Our Mission
To be a leading provider of competitive educational resources for the academic and professional markets at an affordable price.
Our Vision
MINDSHAPERS CO., INC. is a publishing company committed to become the leading organization that publishes and distributes highly competitive educational resources for primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Who We Cater To
MINDSHAPERS CO., INC. is a duly registered Filipino Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission organized and established in September 21, 2005.
We are a publishing company whose main line of business is the publishing and distribution of LOCAL COLLEGE, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, AND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS in various subject areas catering to the needs of various colleges and universities nationwide.
Contact Persons
If you have any questions, inquiries, or orders, don’t hesitate to contact our staff.

Blesilda L. Chua

Cynthia B. Cruz

Julieta C. Buenviaje

Carmelita B. Nuñez

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